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[DVD]Minority Report-Special Edition (dts, 2 disc)

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Special Feature

Minority Report - From Story to Screen Faturettes
Deconstructing Minority Report Featurettes
(The World of the Minority Report/Pre-Crime and Pre-Cogs/ Spyder
Sequence/ Pre-Cog Visions/ Vehicles of the Future)
The Stunt of Minority Report Featurettes
( Maglev Escape/Hover pack Chase/Car Factory)
ILM and Minority Report
(Intro/Holograms/ Hall of Containment/ Maglev/ Hovercraft and Hover packs/
Cyber parlor)
Featurette - Final Report : Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise
Archives - Production Concepts
Archives - Storyboard Sequences
Archives - Cast and Filmmaker's Bios
Archives - Production Notes
Archives - Activision Game Trailer
Theatrical Trailers

Additional information

In the year 2054, a so-called "pre-crime division" is working around
Washington, DC. Its purpose is to use the precog(nitive) potential of three
genetically altered humans to prevent murders. When the three precogs, who
only work together, floating connected in a tank of fluid, have a vision, the
names of the victim and the perpetrator as well as video imagery of the
crime and the exact time it will happen, are given out to the special cops
who then try to prevent the crime from happening. But there is a political
dilemma: If someone is arrested before he commits a murder, can the
person be accused of the murder, which - because of the arrest - never took
place? The project of pre-crime, at the time being in a state of trial run, is
going to be voted about in the near future. If people accept it, the crime rate
is going to drop drastically, but it never will be known if there might not be
too many people imprisoned, some or even all of them innocent. After John
Anderton lost his son to a crime a six years ago, he took up drugs, and
works the precog division like nobody else. One day, his own name arrives
in the "perpetrator" chute, and the precogs predict that he will kill a man he
never knew in less than 36 hours. John takes off, his trust in the system
diminishing rapidly. His own colleagues after him, John follows a very small
trace that might hold the key to his innocence, a strange unsolved yet
predicted murder and a so-called "minority report", a documentation of one of
the rare events in which a precog sees something different than the other two.
